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I am on the hunt for some new energisers which can be used for groups varying from 5 - 20. I have a little bit of a collection which i have collected over the years but looking to see if there is any kind folk out there who would like to pass some on that really work and feel like you get something from them.
Many Thanks
stephen laverick

8 Responses

  1. energisers
    Hi Stephen

    At the risk of sounding purist or pedantic (!!!) the whole issue of energisers and icebreakers comes back to ‘purpose’. What are you doing and why/what do you want to achieve from the activity? What kind of energisers are you after? Any particular purpose? IE; wake people up, increase energy, take people out of comfort zones, change pace??

    I have bucketloads of ideas – too many to type up, but more than happy to chat and share ideas. Email me and we can talk!

    Best regards


  2. Get to know each other energise
    Hi Stephen,

    A great energiser that I used for my last course is called paired sharing, you may of have heard of it. It works best for groups of 10 or more people who don’t know much about each other but will be working together for the duration of the course. The purpose of the energiser is for the participants to get to know each other and hence improve the group dynamics.

    The instructions are as follows:

    • Break the group into pares.
    • Each pare will have two minutes discussion time where they need to learn something about their partner that no one else in the group knows.
    • Have some topics of discussion prepared on PowerPoint to help spark conversation e.g. their current role, what they like the most about their job, family life, hobbies, etc.
    • After the two minutes is up ask the participants to find a new partner from the group that they don’t know much about. Repeat the same scenario (2 minutes dicussion time.)
    • Repeat this step a few times until most people have learnt something new about their fellow participants.
    • Reassemble the group and choose someone in the group that everyone else will now introduce to the group.
    • Throw a ball around the room having each person say something the learnt about the nominated person.
    • Repeat the step until all parties have been introduced.

    Kind Regards,

    Antoinette Elaro

  3. Cocktail party
    Here’s an energiser/icebreaker that works really well with a group of people from different departments in the same large organisation. Give each person an organisation chart. Then allow them 5/10 mins to meet as many people as possible and write their names in the correct places on the chart. Play some cocktail party music while they are doing this. You can give prizes for those who get the most names in the right places in the time available.
    A great way of networking and breaking the ice!
    Jane Smith

  4. Thank you
    Thank you so much for your kind replies, it has helped me greatly and now i have plenty of energisers to pick from. Thanks once again and thank you trainingzone

  5. Energizers
    This is one of my favourites.

    Prepare a bowl of sweets/fun-size chocolate bars. For each type/colour of sweet/chocolate write up a list on the flip chart. For example:
    Green – Favourite movie and why
    Yellow – Last book you read and what you thought of it
    Orange – The place in the world you would most like to visit and why
    Purple – Something about where you grew up
    (The topics can be adapted to absolutely anything – depending on how well the group know each other (or not!) and if you want to make the exercise directly related to the content of the session or not)

    Hide the flip chart and pass round the bowl, just asking each delegate to choose what they fancy. (You could ask them to take more than one depending on what you want them to talk about).
    Reveal the flip chart and ask them to talk about their ‘chosen’ topic.

    I have used this in the morning (first thing) and then after lunch – where the choice of sweets are the same but the topics are different. I guess it could also be used for non-edible giveaways too!

    Hope that helps.