The Borough of Telford & Wrekin is looking at ways of pulling together all equalities training (ie diversity, cultural awareness, race relations etc). I wonder if a) anyone has developed a learning strategy/framework for equalities and b) in what format do they deliver their equalities training (ie workbooks, training courses, cd roms etc). I would be very interested to hear.
Thank you.
Karen James

2 Responses
Equalities Training
You are well placed as a local authority via your planning dept to paint in a locality focus. Use the returns for your borough from the 2001 census to illustrate powerfully the demographic case for equal opportunbity policies.Alongside the business,legal,moral and historical cases or arguments this will make for an effective AND MEMORABLE course.All foregoing can be slanted towards employment and service delivery issues.I invariably use a workbook and an equality observatory on all, my courses
the garnett foundation