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Equality & Diversity Training


I have been asked to run an evening of equality and diversity training with a relatively small group who are not used to classroom based learning. I'm looking for some short (but high impact!) activities or exercises I could use. If anyone has any suggestions they would be willing to share, I would be very grateful. Thanks.

Amalia Booker
Amalia Booker

5 Responses

  1. Equality
    Hi. I think I can help you.I am very strong in this field having spent 16 happy years as National Training Manager with the Equal Opportunities Commission. Let me know more about your audience and training objectives


  2. 12 years Traininig
    Collect participants of various ages,departmens,qualifications and select a topic of commin ineterest across oraganization. Ask participants to form a group and give presentation on the topic. Conduct quiz in some game format which should be more of fun than a regular quiz. See to it that inputs come from all levels across organization and they work together as teamrather than a planned activity. May be they can have a small session to display their talents which may earn points for their group.

    Some activities that could be conducted are :

    1) Let males be assigned female roles and they have to carry some activity for taht role and females have to comment on them and vice versa.

    2) Make lables of various job profiles and ask participants to pic them. participant has to act that role ( CEO could pick receptionist !!). Let person actually handling role comment/debate on it.

    Ajit Fernandes

  3. Diversity
    As a quick introduction, ask everyone to declare something about themselves that makes them different from everyone else in the room. Could be a hobby, a skill, an unusual place to have visited, etc. This sets the tone of the session as being about diversity – individual difference – which goes beyond race, gender, disability, age, etc. and is far more inclusive. Usually produces a few laughs or gasps of astonishment too! Please contact me for furhter ideas.