I am currently undertaking a literature review for an Msc dissertation around the subject of evaluating the ROI and transfer of learning of leadership programmes. If you have any experience of this your thoughts would be appreciated as would any books/articles etc that you think may be relevant.
craig mitchell

4 Responses
Hi Craig
Like most trainers, Evaluation is my favourite subject (No really!) I therefore had to work hard at my evaluation on my leadership programme that I run. I believe evaluation has to be present throughout and that without one part, the entire thing can crash. I developed some questions to ask yourself at each stage along with some examples and I designed some logs based around kirkpatricks 4 levels. If you, or anyone else wants my work, drop me a line at Rich.Lucas@blueyonder.co.uk
Hope this helps
Leadership Evaluation
You might want to have a look at http://www.abctrainingsolutions.biz for some suggestions in the ‘Free Resources’ section entitled ‘TNA and Evaluation Tools’. In particular, there is a specimen Leadership Training Evaluation Report and a Post Leadership Workshop Evaluation Questionnaire.
Just go to the bottom of the home page and click free resources.
Hope that helps.
Happy Days!
Good source
Visit http://www.businessballs.com/kirkpatricklearningevaluationmodel.htm for some useful suggestions.
Article on Evaluation of Management Training Programmes?
We have a published article entitled ‘Helping Managers to become Leading Managers: evaluating the impact of leadership development at middle manager level in a city council organisation.’, so just e-mail me if you’d like a copy?
John Chamberlin