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Garry Platt


Senior Consultant

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Everything You’ve Ever Been Told About How You Learn Is A Lie


Lie number 1

1. We Learn Best When Teaching Is Tailored To Our Learning Style

Lie number 2

2. Some People Are Left-Brained, Some People Are Right-Brained

Lie number 3

3. __ Will Make You Smarter

For the article and development of all these assertions, visit here:

One Response

  1. utter bunk!

    simply because the article begins with the premise that my teachers talked about learning styles and left and right brains……my teachers worked on the basis that repetition and rote and repetition and discipline and repetition and writing it down were the ways in which we would learn.

    This continued when I went into the Army.  I can still remember distinct details of stuff that was hammered into my brain in 1977 and 1981. 

    Yep, the theories come and go but with however many billion people there are on the planet there can't really be one 'right' way, surely.

    Interesting artiv=cle and interesting comments to boot.

    Happy weekend all, I'm off to try to finish the new village blacksmith's workshop in my garden!



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Garry Platt

Senior Consultant

Read more from Garry Platt