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Excel Training Resources


Within our organisation I have been asked to deliver some excel training. Does anyone know where I can purchase training manuals/resources to help me deliver this training?
carol aynsley

6 Responses

  1. Excel Training
    I was always led to believe only Accredited Microsoft Trainers are (legally)allowed to deliver Excel training, and this is why it is quite difficult to get your hands on any form of material? However Carol I may be completely wrong?
    I would suggest contacting your local council/chamber of commerce/Trainerbase/ who may be able to suggest Excel/Word/PP trainers to you and your organisation, as many local authories/councils use qualified Microsoft trainers to roll-out Windows training.
    This is what I did recently when I was asked to roll out Excel training – my local council put me in touch with a training comapny specialising in Windows packages, they also only charged £90 per delegate for a full day’s workshop.
    Many thanks

  2. excel training material
    anyone can deliver excel training – you do not need to be MS accredited. There are lots of providers of materials BUT as they are aimed at training companies they cost £100’s per course.

    You might want to look at the disc that comes with the academic version of office (£89) as that has some excellent material, buy the book excel for dummies or look at sites like:


  3. MrExcel
    I would suggest a search on MrExcel they are a fantastic source for help and tips.
    I am not affiliated in any way with this site,my view is simply based on all the help and support I’ve received over the past 5 years.

  4. I am in the same boat!
    I am a IT trainer also and will be delivering Excel training in March to staff. As yet I haven’t created any hand outs and am looking for worksheets also. I have found one place that looks quite good though.

  5. Found materials for Excel training
    Thanks to all those who have suggested ideas for Excel training material. I have found a company called gtslearning who supply training manuals at a reasonable cost.