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Annie Johnson

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Executive Coaching? Doesn’t that Sound Weird?


The answer to this question is not a unique one. It depends from which angle you are looking at it. Undeniably, a good portion of the existing business world thinks that executive coaching is just a polysyllabic jargon which simply drinks your money and never takes a leak. It’s a hobbyhorse for the C-suite habitats.

Is it?

Is executive coaching a folly?

What do you think? Is a business coach, bliss or a curse? You are free to think and collect your thoughts on this issue. But, remember, your opinion is the most critical one to you and crucial too even if you are a firm non-believer of executive coaching. According to a bunch of surveys, initiated by global analytics giants like or Metrixglobal, the ROI of executive coaching is close to 600%.

A-jawdropper. Right? 

Yes. With executive coaching your benefits are six folds of your investments. And, there is no chance that these stats are fried. Even the Stanford Business School echoes the same vision regarding executive coaching. They believe that even the best of CEOs have their blind spots. It's always good to have a new perspective from the outside to judge things in a better way.

Like every coach, executive coaches are the group of the veteran executives who are well aware of the pulse of the modern business and they are also the only person on this planet who can foresee the future. They are the only bridge for us which connects our semi known present with the unknown future of our business. That's why executive coaching as a service is experiencing a steep rise in their global market demands.

Why an executive coach can foresee the possible future?

Because, they know their pasts. They have faced tons of challenges and ate those challenges with their breakfast. They outsmarted every roadblock they faced on their way to establish their businesses but they never stopped walking on that road. They stumbled on the lows and they cheered on the highs to build a strong foundation for their businesses. Yes, they have their scars too. We named those scars as experience. We don't have them as we are yet to fight those battles.

So, who is the best person to guide us for building our businesses?

Definitely, an executive coach.

Now, what your organization or business demands the most from you? It has always been you right decision at the right time. You are an executive and you need all of your confidence to make those decisions. But, at times doubt is a better option than a sheer confidence as a business is a perfect combination of complexity and ever evolving market trends. So, your doubts tell you to rethink it. Your doubts push you back to your boardroom to redesign your decision.

Yes. The zeal of achieving the ‘one-of-its-kind’ status never comes cheap. They demand your sleepless nights, last drop of knowledge. But, at times, even your best efforts fall short. You take a wrong decision. You fail.

In situations like these, a business coach is the best person to walk in and brushup your qualities.

These following stats can help you understand the bigger picture in a better way:

  • Two third of the executives don't receive any executive coaching in their lives.
  • Most of the CEOs want to have a coach who can enrich them with leadership tips.
  • With proper training, most of the companies have experienced at least 88% growth in their productivity with executive coaching.
  • Most of the businesses, who have invested $1 in the executive coaching, have seen a return of $8.
  • More than 63% organizations use external executive coaching service.

So,the idea?

Executive coaching can be anything but a folly. It's a fuel to grow your business. It's a learning curve which makes you a better team player. It drives in a better level of internal relationship. It creates a better job satisfaction in you. Without fail, an executive coach teaches you, encourages you, helps you to be a better person in your life and for your organisation.

Lastly, what matters is you. What you think and how to decide is the most important factors of your life as an executive.

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