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Executive Presentation Coaching


I need to run some in house training or coaching for our senior executive team prior to a large event - can anyone make suggestions on providers who offer small group training or one to one coaching in this area?

Many thanks,
Julie Lowe

11 Responses

  1. options
    Hi Julie
    If you email me I can send you some options for this from companies we’ve used in the past.


  2. Ideas
    Hi Julie,

    drop me an email as we may well be able to help you out with some ideas on the training front.


  3. Executive Presentation Coaching
    Hi Julie

    We regularly write and facilitate Presentation programmes for a wide range of levels up to and including board room. If you drop me an email we could contact you and discuss this further.


    Lucy Brown

  4. Recommendation

    Check out The Speaker’s Studio – a bit of an industry best kept secret.
    I get incredible feedback from our delegates who go through their

    I know they do one day workshops for small groups and a really
    interesting blended coaching option for those who don’t want to ‘reveal’ in front of their peers.

    This is their website and the section on presentation training details the approach.

    Ask to speak to Graeme if you call them.

    Best regards

  5. Rosemary Bailey
    Hi Julie, if you haven’t yet found someone, I would highly recommend Rosemary Bailey at Ontrack International. She is experienced at working with very senior exec teams.


  6. Reccommendation
    Hi Julie, have sent the link to one of the best people in this area Joan Callaghan

    Hope that it is usefuk

  7. heart and head appproaches are essential
    There’s a lot of very mechanical presentation skills training around, useful as far as it goes, but it only goes so far. Too much emphasis on mechancial body-language stuff with loads of false stats quoted about ‘percentages’ of meaning conveyed this way rather than through words. Also, I noticed when I was a training-buyer myself (at the BBC)that the majority of providers assumed a golden mean – everyone had to conform to some notional standard. This produced anxiety and gloom in a lot of delegates.
    I think a much better route os to work from people’s strengths and to assume that their style will be unique.
    What is often totally neglected is well-researched stuff on how to make real impact through the content of what you say, using emotion as well as rationality. Just doing a little of this can have radical effect.
    At Management Futures ( we run a one-day course for senior leaders (largely CHief Execs and Directors) in the NHS, MoD, several media companies etc called Speaking to Persuade which works from all these principles. We also work with specialist actors on these events – they are skilled at handling voice and similar issues. Contact me if you’d like to know more.

  8. One-to-one coaching
    Hi Julie,

    If you are still in need of services then I would be only too pleased to discuss this with you. I am experienced in this area and have helped other executive teams prior to important business events. I tend to work on bespoke projects focused on a client’s specific markets/needs and circumstances. If you would like to email your details, I can contact you to discuss further and offer references.

    Good luck either way!

  9. Executive Presentation Coaching
    If you haven’t sorted this do please feel free to give me a call on 07702 433284 and I can give you an idea.