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Seb Anthony

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Experietial Training Company


We are trying to find companies like Disney Institute to develop and deploy trainings of leadership and skills development around the globe. It is important to be a REALLY out of the box, huge event training. The target is vice presidents of Unilever and we want to do it in a experiential, inspiring, out of the box way!!! Thank you very much fellows.
Gilberto Pires

6 Responses

  1. experential trng company

    Catalyst Business Dynamics will be able to help.
    Give their Sales Manager a call.
    0207 436 3636


  2. Positive Leadership Practices
    Take a look at this website and see if you feel if this meets the requirements.

    A specific high level option is available for VPs. Unilever would be able to licence the delivery process in-house if they wanted the philosophy to become part of their culture.

    This process originates in California and has licensed consultants in various parts of the globe.