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Facilitation training


Hi there, I have been delivering classroom training for some years to junior managers but wish to develop my skills further to appeal to a different and sometimes more challenging audience. I would like to attend a training event that will develop my skills at facilitating which I believe would be better suited for middle to senior management. Any ideas, recommendations or advice?? Lizelles

5 Responses

  1. Facilitation
    Hi. Try the Training Foundation. They run a 5 day Facilitation Skills course.



  2. Facilitation Skills Course

    I would recommend The Training Foundation. I attended their 5-day Facilitation Skills course early this year and it was truly rewarding.


  3. Gestalt Centre in London


    The Gestalt Centre in London does a Certificate in Groupwork. It’s about 14 days over a period of 10 months or so and it costs approx £1260. Courses include group facilitation, dealing with conflict and challenge, understanding group dynamics and more. You can also do any of the courses in isolation. The group facilitation course is about 6 days over several months.


  4. Online facilitation – training event
    Hi Lizelles

    Can I suggest that you may consider undertaking our Synchonous Facilitation Certificate which provides participants with the opportunity to develop their skills in facilitating online training programmes using the virtual classroom?

    We offer a seven weeek, two hours per week programme that would provide an individual with the core competencies for delivering live online learning.

    Please feel free to contact me to find out more or view our website at



  5. Advanced Facilitation Training

    Hi there

    We offer a 3-day Advanced Facilitation Training programme for experienced trainers who need to facilitate teams more effectively.

    The focus of the training is on getting ‘blocked’ teams whose performance are held back by conflict, politics, poor communication or lack of commitment, unstuck and moving forwards.

    We have open dates coming up in November. You can read more about the training here

    Ali Hinchliffe
    Centre for Team Excellence
    Brighton BN1 5NL

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