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Facilitator – Action Learning (Urgent)


I am looking for an experienced Action Learning Facilitator.

We are looking to introduce action learning as part of our Leadership Development program and would like someone who has experience at this level.

This is a new venture for us, therefore I'd also like some input regarding promoting and setting up in my organisation.

Look forward to receiving your help !
Lorna Farrant

6 Responses

  1. Action Learning – Why?
    Hi Lorna

    Had experience of setting up and promoting Action Learning at W.H.Smith a few years ago – lots of lessons learned. Change projects in learning sets in Jamaica! Worked as freelance consultant for last 8 years – using leadership programmes and learning sets as a primary method. No doubt you’ll get many responses – happy to have a chat about the issues or get involved if that’s what you want. Email or ring on 0191 384 5528

    Best regards

    Andy Jaggard

  2. Action Learning
    Hi Lorna
    I am a freelence consultant currently engaged in a change / development project with a major energy producer. We are using a combination of Coaching and Action Learning/Action Research to achieve our goals.
    I am also using the same process in my own development.
    Please contact if you wish.
    Paul F Waller BA(Hons) FCIPD

  3. Action Learning, help offered
    Hi Lorna,

    If you are still looking for assistance with your Action Learning proposals, I’d be pleased to help with either facilitation and/or guidance on ways of setting it up based on the organisational culture and your Leadership Development programme. There are different approaches possible depending on the spread of personal learning and the type of company projects which you want to achieve, and there are additional benefits to be gained from a few simple extras in the initial training of the sets, in the structure of the projects, and in the opportunities for learning as the programme unfolds. I have used Action Learning for many years in a range of organisations and have found it very powerful, particularly when it is custom designed and emphasis is given to developing personal awareness and learning how to learn. Happy to give you more information.

    good wishes,

    01531 821902

  4. Don’t get too hung up with the capital letters…
    I note that you used Action Learning with capital letters, suggesting the Reg Revans et al approach.
    As a huge supporter of both AL and Reg’s approach I also want to say that I have seen situations where there was far too much formality and structure – possibly driven off a lack of a deep understanding of the learning by doing approach.
    I use action learning extensively in all of my development work, generally insisting that participants in managemnt or leadership development use a ‘real’ work issue as the focus of their learning. I remain conscious throughout that getting the right task outcome is critical.

  5. Is it too late to be of help?

    I hope I am not too late joinng the party responding to your request for an AL faciliator. I run a consultancy that specialises in this area and a case study of our work has recently been published by the CIPD as part of their Helping People Learn project.

    I have a lot of experience in the areas of positioning AL to meet business priorities, enabling leaders to set themselves learning goals that they believe in and will make a difference and facilitating learning sets to a point where they become self-directing – no facilitator required.

    Call if I am not too late.

    Roger Martin
    Managing Partner
    T 01993 813720