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Flip Chart Art?


I am keen to enhance my flipcharts in terms of impact, interest and "rememberability". I've seen some that have been colourful and eye catching without being artistic. Did this skill come naturally I wonder, or were they taught? Is there a course? a book?

Jo Unwin

12 Responses

  1. Flip Chart Book
    Here’s a book you may like to try:

    The Big Book of Flip Charts: A Comprehensive Guide for Presenters, Trainers, and Facilitators
    By LUCAS

    Price: £ 21.99,
    Pub Date: 09/1999,
    No of pages: 200 pages,
    Edition: 01

    ISBN: 0071343113

    Tim Drewitt

  2. Flip chart
    At the risk of sounding IT crazy we do think the days of the flip chart have ended as a training aid. The use of correctly positioned multimedia ( not on all the time and used to illustrate effective points)is the way ahead for us at least. Apart from the viewing problems with flips the colour resolution and flexibility is limited. An investment in a lap top with IT loaded to impress and either a bought or hired projector looks more professional.

    I was the last dinosaur in our company for this so speak from experience, I would not go back to flips now.


  3. Some basic tips
    You may know all of this, so forgive me if you do! Whilst I agree with previous comments re. other ways of presentation, I still use flipcharts a lot during trainings, in conjuction with powerpoint and a light pro, and I find that they create a more “informal” feel and allow variety within the session.

    1. 6 x 6 rule (no more than 6 words to a line or 6 lines to the flipchart)
    2. Design your flipcharts in advance on A4 paper. You may need to do several attempts
    3. Use a pencil to sketch out your flipchart in advance, and/or write notes in the top RH corner to yourself.
    4. Experiment with 3 or 4 colours and be consistent – ie one colour for titles, another for bullet points etc. 5. Practice drawing them – you can build flipcharts in stages. The pencil preparation will help – it will make you feel less panicked in a training or presentation setting.
    6. You can also draw a framework for your diagram or picture beforehand, then fill in the gaps “real time” as you speak.
    7. Test beforehand that the flipchart ie clear and easy to read from every part of the room!
    8. Get feedback from others beforehand and keep it simple!

    Hope this helps!
    Helen Palmer

  4. Flipcharts et al
    Two suggested books:

    Flip Chart Games for Trainers
    Graham Roberts-Phelps, Gower, 1998
    Using Training Aids in Training and Development. Leslie Rae, Kogan-Page, 1998

  5. Flipcharts
    A further book reference for you:
    Flipchart Session Shakers
    Roberts-Phelps, Gower

    There is also a resource collection called ‘Flexible Flipcharts’ but I don’t have any further details to hand

  6. Flipchart Resource
    I found “The Big Book of Flip Charts by Lucas, Published by McGraw-Hill a good resource.

  7. Tried and tested ways of presenting flip charts
    I have 2 suggestions both of which I have tried and tested. The Gower publication “Flip Chart Games for Trainers” is invaluable as is the Eureka course “Looking at Training Differently” which gives you tips on presenting information in interesting and fun ways. You can get more information on their website or by e-mailing them at Best of luck!

  8. Flip Charts not extinct!
    Hello Jo

    I have to disagree with Susan about flip charts having had their day.

    The best way that you can make a flip chart more interesting is to make it ‘interactive’.

    Get your audience/attendees to contribute to the content of the flip chart pages. Try and keep the chart to headings with plenty of room for their contribution.

    This one way of keeping flip charts fresh and interesting. Try doing that with a Power Point presentation.

    Good luck Jo.