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Forum for Technology in Training responds to government e-learning proposals


The Forum for Technology in Training have put forward a response to the government's proposals for an e-learning strategy published last month. The full text of the response can be seen below.

The consultation document on the Government’s e-learning strategy is a welcome step towards joined up policy in this area. E-learning is important, both for the contributions it makes toward improving effectiveness and efficiency in education and training and as an industry, worth an estimated £250m per year, particularly at this stage in its use and development where research indicates that the quality of its products are extremely variable.

In focusing almost entirely on the education applications of e-learning the document fails to engage with corporate e-learning users and suppliers. This sector is and has been involved with using technology in training for over thirty years, both for generic training and for specific organisations rather than with courses leading to formal, recognised qualifications.

While there are many similarities between the needs of education and training, there are some important differences in respect of the strategic needs of these two sectors and these are not reflected in the consultation document. It is imperative that the currently small core of people with extensive knowledge and experience of the corporate e-learning sector is fully engaged in formulating a national policy, especially as by implication they may be forced to adopt any national standards that may emerge.

The Forum for Technology in Training looks forward to working with other e-learning industry organisations, including the E-Learning Network, the British Association for Open Learning, the Institute for IT Training and the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development, to ensure that the final e-learning strategy engages with, and meets the needs of, all parts of the e-learning community.

The Forum is preparing a detailed response to the consultation document which will be submitted to the Department for Education and Skills at the end of this year.

Date: 28th July 2003

Established in 1982, The Forum for Technology in Training is a non-profit making organisation which draws its membership from the corporate e-learning industry. More information about the Forum can be found at