Whatever the content may be, BAA currently have a range of training offers within the business and in my team I've been asked do some work to look at our current programmes, for example if they are being delivered effectively, if they've set specific learning objectives, considered learning styles at the outset, if the trainers are competent in delivering the course content, and so on. I am hoping that someone out there will have a useable "framework/criteria" that could be used for the designing of any training programme.
Lisa Wheller

5 Responses
Training Design
I have some tools and resources that may meet you needs.
If interested in further details, please feel free to contact me off-line.
Scott G. Welch
The national standards for Learning and Development can give you
The national standards for Learning and Development (the basis for S/NVQs) provide a solid and comprehensive framework for developing, delivering and evaluating training. Even if you are not actually looking at taking/delivering a qualification, the standards can point you to all the criteria you should be fulfilling in a quality training/learning programme. They are structured in units which relate to the various stages (e.g., needs analysis, design, delivery and evaluation) of development, as well as to different options (eg., coaching, mentoring) that you may or may not choose to incorporate within your programme.
have you started your evaluation early enough down the line?
Hi Lisa
I was interested to see the way you have posed the issue…you have asked about delivery, learning objectives, learning styles and trainer competence but you haven’t mentioned the “business objective” of the interventions. I have recently been working with a training team who have found massive value in actually posing the questions “What do you want this to bring to the business?” and “How are you going to measure that?”. These are questions that have to be asked of line managers/directors rather than T&D specialists. This has had enormous effect on the style of the interventions and the management perception and support for their activities.
I’ll happily share whis with you if you want to call me on 07812 170391.
Competencies for Training Design and Development
The Training Foundation provides a comprehensive set of competencies for Training Design and Development described on-line at:
These will hopefully be of assistance.
If you want to ensure organisational effectiveness you should also review the matching competencies for Training Delivery which can be found on-line at:
I hope this helps.
Best wishes
Development of Training Programmes
Hi Lisa
There is insufficient space allocated to answer your question(s) in full, but if you would like to drop me a mail, or give me a call, I would be happy to assist you with resources and detailed answers. You can get me on: O7751 445222 or CliveAODonnell@aol.com