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Fun Energisers for Managers


I have been asked to contribute 2 half hour sessions to lighten a staff conference where the key theme is changing patterns of working.

The group are part of a newly acquired business which itself is adjusting to new patterns of working within a larger business - I do not want to deliver anything which would appear to be a thinly veiled attempt at sugar coating what for some might be difficult messages - hence the need for something fun yet thought provoking. I hope the forum can help.
Carl Fitzsimons

6 Responses

  1. Energizer Activity

    Start With Art

    Provide each trainee with a flipchart sheet and markers.
    Ask them to divide the sheet into four quadrants and label each segement as follows:
    Upper left-Strengths I bring to the team
    Upper right-Ways I might hinder the team
    Lower left-What I need from others to do my best
    Lower right-hobbies, interests and outside activities

    Using drawings only-NO WORDS- have them respond tot he title of each quarter. (Trainers should model process by completing a flipchart either first or while others are working on theirs.)
    Give 20-30 minutes to complete art work.
    Post sheets and have each participant share his/her data with the team.

    Supply each delegate with a pre-purchased “toy” (Troll, any small childs toy will do). Place one on the table where each delegate will sit, then when they are settled, ask them to make up a short story about the object and get them to introduce themselves and “friend”. This should then give you something to work with.

  3. ice breakers
    Ask participants to draw the trainer from ‘hell’ and the one from ‘heaven’ie groups pairs whatever

    perhaps you could ask them to to draw the participant from ‘hell’ and the one from ‘heaven’ie groups pairs whatever

    just a thought

  4. Heaven and ***
    Always a good exercise as Paul says. However why not make it ‘Manager from H&H’ or ‘Customer from H&H’ – whichever is most appropriate.
    I usually set the scene by drawing a simple pin person on the FC and emphasis the need to avoid using words. Provide lots of coloured pens to encourage the artists.

  5. Thanks
    Thanks for your suggestions – all very helpful.

    I ran the session yesterday – and opted for two sessions which mixed fun with learning points around new ways of working and innovation.

    Both worked really well

    The first exercise “Warp Speed” – a themed version of group catch with a twist

    the second exercise – “Old learning v New Learning” – getting the group to march to a new set of instructions (e.g. step left = step forward, step forward = step left etc etc )…all good fun!!

    Learning points around breaking habits – clarifying the brief, embedding change before introdcucing new rules and the value of external benchmarking were embraced by the group.

    Thanks again.