I'm running a conference for in company lawyers in the New Year. At the pre conference, informal dinner I want to run an ice breaker that sets up the conference. Key themes are honesty, openess, trust (internal communication). If it was fun that would be great too. Not much to ask! Any ideas? Thanks Terry
Terry Russell

2 Responses
Can you make use of this?
You may have to modify this to suit.
Ask each person to write down the following four headings:
Animal; Best Outfit; Bad News; Good News.
Under heading Animal, ask them to think of a favourite animal and then write down the first 3 words that come into their mind to describe it.
Best Outfit: ask them to imagine that they are all dressed up in their favourite clothes and about to go on a night out, and to write down 3 words that describe how they feel.
Bad News: ask them to imagine that they have just discovered that their partner has been having an affair, and to write down 3 words that describe how they feel.
Good News: ask them to imagine they lost their wallet/purse containing credit cards and a large amount of cash, that the finder has just phoned to arrange its return, and to write down how they feel.
Get feedback and display the results.
Animal – these 3 words describe how they perceive themselves.
Best Outfit – these 3 words describe how they want other people to perceive them.
Bad News – these 3 words describe the feelings that their dishonesty can provoke in others (or their own feelings when treated dishonestly).
Good News – these 3 words describe the feelings that their honesty can provoke in others (or their own feelings when treated honestly).
You could add more ‘modules’ to extend the coverage to other areas appropriate for your conference. Good luck!
2 True – One False
Get people to think of and write down on index cards – three statements about themsleves. Tow of which are true – one of which is false.
Demonstrate with three of your own. Get them to quickly vote/guess the false one.
Depending on number get them to do each other in one or more groups