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Gaining Confidence When You’re New to Leadership


Just got a promotion to a leadership position? That’s great - but you might not be feeling as confident as you’d hoped. When you’re new to leadership, it can feel difficult to assert your authority and designate tasks with confidence.

Luckily, confidence is a skill that can be learned, and the simple tips below will help you get on track.

1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses

Not even the best leader is perfect - and there are very few leaders who don’t have at least a few strengths. Getting clear about where you’re currently doing well and where you could improve is one of the best ways to build your confidence because it allows you to form a clear plan without getting down on yourself.

Make a list of strengths, and reasons why they make you a great leader. Next, list your weaknesses, and then create actions points to help fix these issues. Got a problem with micro-management? Plan to take a hands-off approach for one day a week. Hate speaking in front of large groups? Volunteer for the next company presentation.

Taking control feels empowering, so don’t stay in the dark about your weaknesses.

2. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind

Do you tend to avoid saying anything you think will make waves? That’s a big mistake in leadership. The most confident leaders aren’t afraid to say what they think, even when they know it isn’t going to go down well.

Positive that new marketing plan isn’t going to work? Say something. Got an issue with a disrespectful co-worker? Express your concerns and don’t let it slide. When your employees see that you’re not scared to make yourself heard, they’ll learn from your example, creating an open and honest environment where everyone can thrive.

3. Allow yourself to make mistakes

Part of becoming a better leader is taking risks and dealing with mistakes. There’s not a single leader out there who’s never made a mistake - whether they're a bi shot CEO or a network marketing leader for a make-up brand.

If you’re struggling with this, there’s a fun technique you can employ. Make it your goal to make at least X number of mistakes each week. You’ll start taking more risks, and you might find it harder to reach your goal than you expected!

Confidence means not getting knocked down when things don’t go exactly as planned, so learning to fail is absolutely essential.

4. Take care of your mind and body

It’s hard to be a confident leader if you aren’t happy and healthy deep down. Look at your personal life, and ask yourself if there are any changes you could make.

Are you eating well, getting regular exercise, and engaging in confidence-building activities outside of work? If not, look at building a routine that helps you take care of mind and body.

That might mean starting a yoga class, experimenting with meditation, or buying yourself a new recipe book. Setting small self-improvement goals and working towards them will build your confidence and enhance your overall wellbeing.

The stronger you are as a person, the more successful you’ll be as a leader.

Whether you’ve just got a new job as a network marketing leader or you’ve received an unexpected promotion, starting out in leadership can feel hard. Follow the tips above and you’ll soon be feeling confident and enthusiastic about your new role.