As part of a longer training intervention, I would like an activity/game which involves all participants (generally between 10-12) in a boardroom style scenario. The context of the game doesn't really matter, as it would be used to stimulate a discussion of the behaviours for successful meetings. I am however really struggling to find a brief that fits the bill. Can anyone help?

6 Responses
Meeting Exercise
Hi Gemma,
We have a number of exercises that we use as part of our learning by doing approach. I have one particular exercise that may be of interest to you.
It requires the group to come together as a committee and make a collected agreement, reaching consensus. However, within the brief there are emotive issues relating to the key task.
The exercise allows you as the facilitator to review the format, structure, process, outcomes as well as associated team and individual behaviours, as appropriate.
If you think it might be of interest to you, drop me a line and I’ll happily send across details.
Meeting Exercise
Hi Gemma
I have a game which may fit the bill its called murder hunt
the over riding purpose is to establish agreed behaviors support self esteem and collaboration.
alternatively there is an exercise called Framed. Its pragmatic A great deal of time is often wasted during meetings and group work with staff not taking par annoying each other being marginalized, retaliating.
if you want a full list of exercise’s i recommend book called
The TEACHERS TOOLKIT written by Paul Ginnis
hope this helps
message me if you just need the exercise’s i can send them over to you
Exercise for practising “Succesful meetings”
In a course I have run, we created a scenario for a group this size. There was a brief scenario around setting up a new office and the need for the group to decide from two over-simplified sets of information, which would be the best and whether they would go.
Invariably, they came to a conclusion as to which location seemed best for “business” (although not always very logically) but many of them did not want to relocate. The group was invariably from different parts of the UK and at different stages in their personal lives and careers, so had many issues with the second part “would they go”. When we ran the exercise for the first time, we created extra personal information – but stopped doing this and advised them to include as much as or as little of their personal information as they wished to.
The levels of positive influencing, coercion, opting out, playing devil’s advocate, being honest and open etc, all provided discussion for the feedback session.
Without the emotive parts of the personal decision, the business case often provoked deep discussion – as all participants were managers from different parts of the same organisation, their understanding of the business as a whole, the questions they could and should ask before such a decision and knowledge of UK geography were surprisingly patchy!
As ever, the real power of the learning comes in the feedback and debrief.
Meeting exercises
Just reading your reply on training zone regarding meetings exercise, is their any chance we can have a copy too?
This would really help us.
Many thanks,
Games/Exercises for successful meetings
Thanks so much to everyone for your helpful responses, I really appreciate you all taking time out to give me some ideas. As soon as I work out how to do it via the site, I will be in touch with some of you for more information on the exercises you have suggested!
Thanks again,
Successful Meetings exercise
If I could possibly have a copy of this that wuld be great! I too am currently designing a successful meetings course and cannot find a suitable exercise to do.
Much appreciated
Carlie Phillip