I have to design and deliver a training event for my college course. I want to do this on working as a team and the presentation will last no longer than 20 mins, 5 min intro, 10 min activity, 5 min summing up. Could you give me some ideas for the 10 min activity, apart from building something with lego my brain has totally gone blank! Thanks for reading.

9 Responses
Hi Tina The lego is a great idea. Intro: Introduce some ideas such as leadership, Teamwork etc…what do they mean? Task: Give out a lego model (in pieces) but without the box or instructions. Up to them to decide what it is. They have 10 minutes to build it! Summing Up: Who showed Leadership skills? Did everyone participate? Why not? Did the "buiild" start immediately or were roles decided beforehand? Who decided? Was the "build" only analysed at the end or did the task stop to check progress half way through? Why? Who decided? etc etc Finaly and most importantly…how could you have completed the task better/more efficiently? Good Teamwork of course! If you e mail me I will send you a Task/Relationship model that is quite useful in short activities like this. Good luck Steve
Ideas on Team Building Exercises
There are many team building exercises that you can use. Here are some free team building exercises.
10 minutes is not a long time, so it is better to avoid difficult puzzles. In addition if you opt for construction activities such as Lego or similar, make sure you allocate time for delegates to have another go. Competition and auction games are also possible though fitting them into 30 minutes including briefing can be difficult. Refer to team building training materials for further ideas.
Hope this helps
Ehsan Honary
You could try http://www.teampedia.net
They have hundreds of team activities
You could do your own thing!
Dear Tina
I am sure you can come up with an activity that you and your colleagues will enjoy. You could think what you would like to learn and invent an exercise to do that requires the skills you want to learn or the team members could share your best experiences of it. If you copy someone elses design or exercise you be less likely to learn how to do your own. Be brave.
The link here http://www.nickheap.co.uk/articles.asp?ART_ID=150 is to an article on designing learning events, with examples of methods, that might be helpful or stimulate some more thought.
Best wishes,
Paper Tower
Give each team about 50 sheets of paper, a roll of cellotape and a cream egg and ask them to build, from the floor, the tallest free standing structure that can support the egg at the highest point for 30 seconds from the time you call time up.
This is a great activity where it’s sometimes best not to be over ambitious with height as it’s about it standing for the required time period. Great feedback about over ambition in the time frame, etc.
Let me know if you want a little more info and good luck with the presentation.
Team Work and Guiding Principles
Use an audible timer for this exercise.
Ask people to reflect on a major Guiding Principle that informs their life choices e.g. choosing the course they’re on or the career they aspire to.
Set the timer.
Tell them they have one silent minute to ponder i.e. until the timer pings and/ or you raise your hand in the air.
Instruct people to stop talking when they hear the timer or see your hand raised.
Say each person will have two minutes to share their Guiding Principle with the other three members of their foursome.
Then ask people to get into quartets, and decide who’ll go first, second, etc. Say that ‘processing’ will happen after the sharing not between.
In the final minute (allowing for a little slippage), each person can comment on the process in, say, no more than five words.
Tell them that the two minutes per person is NOT for the speaker, it is for the listeners to offer silent attention.
In the summing up, you can make many points about team work, responsibility and team spirit – that giving – and receiving – time and an exquisite quality of attention, along with the gifts of silence and brevity, can do a great deal to build and maintain team morale.
Knowing what principles guide people’s decisions and choices can help us to understand behaviour that we might otherwise judge according to our own limiting beliefs or bias.
Also, the same basic structure, adapted in myriad ways – and a timer – can greatly improve the quality, process and outcome of team meetings – whether or not they are Crafty Meetings
Go well
What course?
Hi Tina
What is the college course that you are doing? Is it PTLLS?
Hi Mark,
Its not the PTTLS course its the Certificate in Personnel Practice course. I did have the option to do the PTTLS running alongside the CPP but I think my brain would have completely fried by this time.
Hi Tina,
What did you decide to do on your presentation?
And how did you think it went?
And how did the audience respond?
Go well