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Group Activity to emphasise communications and team work


Recently a colleague and I were invited to facilitate part of a monthly finance team meeting. there are usually about 30 people in attendance.

Our sponsor explained to us that for the finance department the Year End proces is all about ensuring that a set of reports and accounts is produced and "out" on time.

People within the finance department rely on each other to get their job done and help to ensure that the key task of producing the year end accounts is completed.

If one person or team do not complete their part of the overall task, this impacts other people and teams and ultimately impacts if the Year End accounts are wether produced on time and to the correct standard.

Our brief is to facilititate a group activity that should emphasise the importance of stakeholder management, process efficiency, team working and communications.

We have about 40-45 minutes are following a presentation on annual accounting, so our slot should be "energising".

Can anyone suggest a suitable group activity that would tick the above boxes.

Many thanks in advance,
Marcus Jenkins

4 Responses

  1. Comms and teams – Possible options
    Hi Marcus, I have some exercises which meet the three elements you need

    Please contact me and I will send them over.



  2. blind minefield
    on in the free downloads area there is an exerice called the minefield.
    I works well with a group of this size, can take about 45 minutes and can be used to get across all the points you are interested in.


  3. thanks

    Thanks for this resource – much appreciated.

    Kind regards,