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handling difficult situations


I have been tasked with putting together a training pack for our telephone operatives around dealing with difficult people. Im looking for some inovative ideas for some exericises to use. These people will not be selling they will be contacting witnesses and "persuading" them to go to court, any ideas?
Craig Mitchell

One Response

  1. Difficult people
    Hi Craig

    Although you say your team won’t be selling they will probably encounter similar replies to those that sales people get. One thing in particular will be people giving reasons for not wanting to do it (in sales parlance – objections). An effective way we teach sales people to handle an objection is to soften it first. This entails reflecting back to the person what they just said and then asking them to confirm it.

    Witness: “I wouldn’t be happy about doing it”.
    You: “Ok, so you’d be concerned about being a witness is that right”.

    When you do this you’re using 4 very powerful pursuasion techniques.
    1. You’ve demonstrated that you’ve listened.
    2. You haven’t rushed in with your attempt to change their mind.
    3.You’ve given them an opportunity to clarify the reason. In the example above them being unhappy could be because they’re scared or maybe because they have a dislike of the police/courts.
    4. By getting them to say yes at the end you help create an environment of agreement before putting over your reasons for taking part.

    I have a more detailed explaination with examples in word which I can email you. Contact details on website. I also have a few other techniques that would take too long here, if you want to contact me I’d be happy to help.

    Good Luck

    Damian Burcher
    Vision Sales Services