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Health and Safety at Home


I am currently reviewing health and safety training in the organisation, and in particular health and safety in the workplace of a home based worker. I have training material for office based staff, but as yet have failed to find good material for home health and safety training. Does anyone know of any such training material, or have any experience they could share in this area.

Many thanks
Kate Avery

3 Responses

  1. Health and the home
    We use TBDGLobal’s ‘P2G’ materials. They can be contacted on 0870 241 3998 or through their website on

    We use the material as part of our client management training in the ramifications of flexible working patterns and the home or teleworker. The issue of data protection, inspection, PAT testing, Ergonomics and risk assessment is all covered.

    We use the full package but I understand they also provide multimedia displays, tutor notes and candidate manuals all as stand alone models too.

    We use the CD ROM version but I think they might do a hard copy too.I understand they are in the process of launching abut 50-100 titles across a range of stuff but we use the employment law titles as part of our service.

    Lime One Ltd
    0870 240 4325

  2. Training for Lone working
    Yes I deliver H & S training to domiciallary care workers. Lone working issues I go to the Suzy Lamplu Trust. H & S needs to concentrate on enabling the workers to risk assess eg water near electricity – what action do I need to take. Also cover evacuation in case of fire, or personal threats.

    If I can be of any further help contact me at

    Cheri challoner

  3. Video on ‘Safe Homeworking’
    We use a video called ‘Safe Homeworking’which is produced by Merlin Communications, and also give a small booklet on ‘Working with VDUs’ published by the Health & Safety Executive. We have made these available to all our homeworkers and encourage them to discuss with thier managers. We also work with managers to get them to carry out a Risk Assessment with any Homeworking staff.