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Help on Performance Reviews/Appraisals


I am the HR manager for a predominantly manufacturing company with a competency based review system. However it is long winded, and complicated. Consequently very few Manager's are actually carrying out reviews. Therefore it is time to have a re-look at what we have got.

Having had not a lot of experience in this area I wondered if anyone would be willing to share examples of their Company's appraisal/review system.

Thanks for any help you may be able to offer.
Carole Goodwin

7 Responses

    On website, I have some downloadable material that you may amend for your own use – entitled ‘Performance Review Preparation Proforma’ and ‘Performance Review Notes for Managers’. Both documents were implemented as part of a new review process in retailing and computer manufacturing companies. You’ll find them in the Free Resources section (Page 3 of 5)
    Hope that helps. Happy Days!
    Bryan Edwards

  2. More than just a form
    I teach this topic over here in Canada and have had great success in implementing an entire system that is much more than just an annual form you fill out. If you e-mail me at “”, I can send you a copy of the actual course handout and you can take your managers through it page by page. It’s a Word document.

  3. Aims and Objectives
    I have worked seperately with both competency based appraisals and A & O appraisals. Until I realised that a mixture of both works very well indeed. Changing the mind-set of your managers into the benefits of any appraisal system is the first step. Use you company’s A & O from the top to the bottom of your workforce ensuring that all objectives are S.M.A.R.T. but aligned to your company’s A&O. Ask direct open questions of all individuals in how they can assist the company to achieve the A&O etc. Identify individuals training needs from this discussion using competency based criteria again aligned to your A&O. Only one real statement of advice and that is to focus all individuals objectives towards your company’s Aims and Objectives. Any further help required please contact me direct.
    Best wishes

  4. Appraisals
    I’m the Training & Dev Manager at Pershing and we implemented a new appraisal process last year. Email me at or call me on 0207 864 8715 and we can go through some of the processes/details.

    Good Luck – it’s certainly a challenge!

    Linda Knight

  5. Have you tried electronic
    The best thing my company ever did was computerise our appraisal system, probably the main reason is that all our work was undertaken on computers. Some of the outputs of the appraisal system resulted in a ‘radar’ over view of compentencies, training needs analysis, reduction in paper and adherence to the deadline for 150. Let me know if you would like to see a preview.