Could anyone tell me what the definition of part-time hours is as I have had conflicting reports varying from 16 hours and 21 hours. Also is there a minimum period for probation, a colleague informed me that while there is no strict minimum most companies would go for at least 3 months probation
peter buckley
peter buckley
2 Responses
Part timers
I used to work for a very large Public Authority and we defined “Part Time” as any contractual hours less than the standard fulltime hours(which in their case was set at 37.5)Therfore someone with contractual hours of 36.5 would be considered part-time, as they were not contracted to work the full compliment of 37.5hrs and benefits were adjusted accordingly.
Part Time Hours
Following the introduction of the Part Time Workers Regulations 2000, a part time worker is anyone who works less than the established full time hours. This could therefore be one hour less or 50% less.
With regards to probationary periods, there is no statutory period of time that I am aware of. I suggest the issues you need to consider are how long it would take before you could identify whether the individual was capable of the job and what would be seen as reasonable. Most organisations I am aware of use between 8 weeks and 6 months depending on the complexity of the role.