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How do I become an A+ trainer?


Dear All

I would like, amongst other things, to become an A+ trainer. Does anyone have a list of steps I should follow, contacts etc?
I have a PGCE in IT and I am currently training MS Apps whilst also working towards becoming an MCT.

Any help would be gratefully received.

Wendy Kirkland
Wendy Kirkland

3 Responses

  1. A + Trainer
    You will need to take the A+ course (or self-studay) and associated exams. Self Study materials are available from booksellers and from companies like Wave. You should also hold a recognised training qualification. CompTIA (who run the A+ programme) recognise Certified Technical Trainer (CTT). This is offered by Chauncy –

  2. A + Trainer
    You will need to take the A+ course (or self-studay) and associated exams. Self Study materials are available from booksellers and from companies like Wave. You should also hold a recognised training qualification. CompTIA (who run the A+ programme) recognise Certified Technical Trainer (CTT). This is offered by Chauncey –


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