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Kevin Oubridge

Blue Chip Coaching Limited


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How to delight your clients, raise your income, reduce stress and enjoy growing your coaching practice!


Ever thought, there’s a better way?

My son, for example, is all in favour of getting a robot vacuum cleaner.

No more hassle with dragging this big heavy thing about, changing the nozzle or getting under furniture. No more frustration with a power cable that’s too short, gets caught up and never auto-reels itself in properly. No more vacuuming!

Not for us humans, anyway.

You just switch your robot vacuum on and leave it to it.

My son is all for this innovation, whereas I am slightly more skeptical.

I want to know if they actually work, how they get on with the stairs and how much they cost. I have no doubt robot vacuum cleaners will become the norm in the future, it’s just a question of when people like me see them as a better way.

Thinking about how you sell and deliver your coaching.

Is there a better way?

How do you win new clients? How do you start, deliver and close a coaching engagement? How do you win further business on the back of your successful coaching?

At Accelerated Success, we have always sold and delivered coaching to our corporate clients via structured programmes. Usually 7 months in duration, with clearly defined coaching outcomes linked to business objectives, and measured results at the end.

It just makes sense!

You can genuinely delight your clients, increase you income, reduce your stress levels and actually start enjoying marketing and delivering your coaching services.

All by following a structured coaching programme.

Here’s why.

1.   It maximizes the value of your coaching to the coaching participant

Having a coaching programme with a beginning, middle and an end helps the coaching participant know where they are with their coaching.

It helps them stay focused, and gain and maintain momentum.

You can agree coaching outcomes with them at the start, linking them to achievement of their business goals. You can then review their progress and final achievement against these outcomes and business goals during and at the end of their programme.

This simple yet powerful structure means they get where they want to go quicker and with fewer sticking points. It also means that they very often achieve well beyond their original aspirations for their coaching.

It’s all about value!

2.   It maximizes the value of your coaching to the coaching participant’s line manager

Involving the coaching participant’s line manager adds value for both parties.

The coaching participant benefits from being better connected to the bigger picture. Plus, of course, they gain valuable feedback on their performance, which is both useful and motivating.

The line manager benefits from being better connected to what the coaching participant is doing in their role.

Performance discussions with the coaching participant are much easier, as well as more focused and effective, simply because they are facilitated by you, the coach.

During and at the end of the coaching programme, the line manager can be involved in measuring results, meaning they are very clear on the coaching participant’s achievements and the difference your coaching has made.

This helps the line manager link the coaching participant’s achievments to their own performance:

How has this helped me in achieving my objectives?

It also informs their planning and decision making relating to the difference your coaching has made:

Where else can I use your coaching in my part of the business?

It’s all about value!

3.   It maximizes the value of your coaching to the client company

Other stakeholders in the coaching programme within the client company can be informed of the results the coaching participant achieved and the difference your coaching has made.

Where multiple programmes are delivered, they can be informed in the same way.

Reporting on results builds understanding of progress made towards business goals, and the difference your coaching has made. This in turn informs their planning and decision making:

Where else can we use your coaching across the business?

It’s all about value!

4.   It enables you to sell further programmes to the client company

Building understanding of the value of your coaching across your client company helps you sell more coaching.

Simple as that!

All stakeholders are familiar with what’s involved in a coaching programme. They also have evidence provided by the coaching participant and line manager of the difference your coaching has made to the coaching participant, the line manager and the wider business.

You are therefore that much further along in the sales cycle than with a wholly new prospect. You have got their attention, developed their understanding of your coaching and gained their trust. The obvious question to ask at this stage is:

Is there anywhere else you can use my services?

You are not asking this question out of desperation. You are asking it as a highly skilled professional who has delivered great service. And your are helping your client company maximize the value they get from your services.

It’s all about value!

5.   It enables you to win new clients

A structured coaching programme can also help you win new clients.

For a start, you are very clear on the value a coaching programme brings. This is because by following a structured programme, you have focused on maximizing, measuring and sharing the value of your coaching. You have had multiple conversations with satisfied clients about the difference you made for them.

This understanding is gold dust for your marketing purposes.

Being able to clearly state the value you bring to potential clients is a key step in winning them as paying clients.

Another key step is being clear on how you deliver this value. You agree coaching outcomes up front, you link to business objectives, you involve the line manager, you review progress, you measure results.

And to top it all off, you have success stories from your existing clients that you can share with your prospects. Nothing speaks louder to a potential client.

Everything is clear and you come across as a confident professional.

In addition, when you get your prospect to the selling conversation, they are focused on the value you bring. The value of your service becomes the key driver in their decision making, rather than how much it costs. This enables you to charge what your service is truly worth, rather than what you hope you can get.

It’s all about value!

There are so many other benefits of selling and delivering your coaching by the programme. You never get confused as to where you are with a coaching engagement, it makes scheduling your time easier, you develop a routine for selling and delivery, it gives you confidence, makes you look professional, relieves the pressure on you …

You get a real buzz out of delivering a great service. Not just to the coaching participant, but the line manager and the client company as a whole.

Delighted clients. Higher income. Less stress.

And it’s fun!

It’s all about value!

Want to learn how to grow your coaching practice?

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One Response

  1. From the author

    Hi there

    Thanks for reading this blog post.

    Do you deliver by the programme? Or do you just coach?

    I'd really appreciate your comments.



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Kevin Oubridge


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