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Smith Willas


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How to Energize your Employees at Workplace


Have you been giving it a thought to motivate and raise energy levels of your staff?

Well! You are instinctively correct. More so if you are an entrepreneur and are in the business for a while.

A healthy workplace breeds business growth as well as harmony among co-workers. The fact is trust, energy, and motivation is the core components of team-work. When it comes to successfully running a business, these factors are essential ingredients for becoming productive and boosting revenues. I can presume you certainly understand the fact that your employees are your biggest assets. However, lacking productivity can make them a liability, too. 

Being a busy entrepreneur, you may have several priorities and obligations to fulfill, but establishing a healthy culture should come to the forefront. A healthy culture will only prosper when employees are adequately energized and motivated. Moreover, feeling more energized will surely let them accomplish more in a day. It is also your job to ensure the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of your employees.

So, what should you do to motivate and energize your staff?

We have charted out following tips for you:

  1. Be Empathetic

It does not suffice to presume that the non-performance of your certain employees is due to their lack of skills or work ethics. Maybe they are going through relationship issues or any other work related stress. Just recall the fact that it is you who chose and inducted them in the first place. If at all you are convinced that they are at fault, being harsh on them is not going to help you either. It is, therefore, important to have a pep talk with them and create a game plan to help them overcome their difficulties. In a different scenario, some employers or managers are in a perpetual habit of finding fault in their employees. Such an approach will certainly not induce confidence in them. So, it is better to figure out why some of your employees are facing problems at work. You need to empathize with them and understand their problems.

  1. Keep Your Promises

Making promises and not keeping them up doesn’t bode well for any employer. Promising team a party or a tour but not delivering on the lines could be lethal for your own self. Please do not get me wrong, but one common problem with startup companies is that there are more promises than deliverance. It is a simple logic. If you don’t keep your promises, how can your staff trust you? Why would they want to sweat it out for you?

On the other hand, if a manager or an employer honors his/her promises, he energizes his employees to a great extent. They have no hesitation in believing in such an employer. So, the employees perform, because they know the incentives will be delivered. If you have promised your employees a party there is no better occasion of throwing it on Thanksgiving Day. You can invite them with Thanks Giving printable cards if you think your team deserves it. This approach will surely inspire a lot of confidence among your employees.

  1. Get Their Feedback

If you believe in running your business unilaterally without asking any positive suggestions, especially your employees, you are wrong on this count. Making yourself unapproachable isn’t a good policy as far as your staff is concerned. Why?? Well, this sends out a message to all of your staff that they have to work like machines and have no say in matters that relate to them. But if you care to ask for their feedbacks and suggestions, it would be an excellent confidence building exercise on your part. It essentially sends out a message that they also can add some value to the firm. Moreover, what you will get from this is a new perspective to say the least. It also generates a healthy communication between you and your staff, which plays a strong and decisive role for the success of any business in general.

  1. Praise Publicly, Reprimand Privately

It is very powerful strategy. Actually, we are not talking about strategies here. All these points of mine are in reality ‘ethics’ per se. Since some of my readers might decipher them as strategies. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that employees do have feelings. They wouldn’t like it if you scold them in front of everyone, do it in private if you think they deserve that. It builds loyalty and a commitment for giving better performance. Praising them in the public, on the other hand, will make motivated even further. Which professional in this world wouldn’t like to hear nice words from his or her boss? So, extend this courtesy to them. This not only will make your employees ecstatic by your appreciation, it will also motivate others to achieve their goals.

  1. Have Fun with Your Team

Running a business doesn’t mean you have to deploy a group of individuals for working round the clock. You sometimes should take a break from work and have fun with your staff. It will rejuvenate and refresh them up. It is important that while at work, employees need to be extensively focused in order to fulfill their goals. But can make them highly stressed as well. As a result, their productivity will decline and that wouldn’t be well for your business. However, if you give them intermittent bouts of fun and refreshment, they will always be charged-up and motivated.  

  1. Express Gratitude for Their Efforts

Celebrate each and every achievement of your employees however small inconsequential it may be. Sometimes, managers or employers are so engrossed in seeking results; they forget to acknowledge the efforts of their team members. If you are one such busy person, take time to express your gratitude towards your employees. Even if their efforts do not completely translate into the results, do not whine. They will, just be patient. What will you get out of this? You will earn loyalty and again a commitment for a better work performance. This expression of humility and gratitude is the key to maintaining a healthy collaboration. It will inspire and motivate your team for sure.

Final Thoughts

Energized and motivated employees are a delight for business owners. They lead to increased productivity and allow the business to achieve higher levels of output. So, being a visionary business leader, employee motivation should be one of your main priorities.

But before you implement a motivational strategy, figure out what motivates and energize your employees because not every employee will be motivated by same set of measures. The above-mentioned tips are an effort in this direction, which will hopefully beneficial for your employees and your business.

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Smith Willas


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