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Heather Townsend

The Excedia Group


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How to measure the effectiveness of your networking activities


“Nobody gets paid for networking. We all get paid on the results of our networking.
Rob Brown, motivational speaker and networking expert

As I was writing the final few chapters of my book, Rob’s great quote about networking reminded me that successful networking takes time, money and effort. This means that you need to measure where you are having the most success with your networking efforts – so you can replicate the things you are doing right and increase the effectiveness of your future results.

Have a look at your networking goals. How will you know when you are being successful? For example, if your prime aim is to secure a new role via your networking, you can measure:

  • The number of connections you make with potential hiring managers
  • The number of conversations you have with people who may know of job vacancies
  • Number of interviews secured via your networking

Once you have decided on your KPIs or success measures, then you need to work out how you will formally track the results of your networking activities.

  • How can you use a spreadsheet (or simple CRM system) to monitor the results of your networking success?
  • How will collate and aggregate the results over time so that you can see, over time, where to put more of your networking time and effort?

What have I missed on measuring the effectiveness of your networking activities?

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Heather Townsend


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