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How to modify the existing course with e_learning?


The combination of e-Learning and Classroom training (Teaching),HOW?

We have many different kind of training divisions that include Maintenance, Service, Operations, etc., The relative training have conducting and existing more then 20 years. My question is “how and what is the step or procedures that we shall follow to modify the existing training course”?
For your information: Our e-Learning is not only on the net that includes all the technology as video, audio etc.

James Lo

The combination of e-Learning and Classroom training (Teaching),HOW?

We have many different kind of training divisions that include Maintenance, Service, Operations, etc., The relative training have conducting and existing more then 20 years. My question is "how and what is the step or procedures that we shall follow to modify the existing training course"?
For your information: Our e-Learning is not only on the net that includes all the technology as video, audio etc.

James Lo

5 Responses

  1. Steps
    Converting exisiting materials to e-learning usually starts out with an evaluation exercise of the existing materials and courses. You need to make sure that your current courses aims and learning outcomes are properly mapped,appropriate and up-to-date. What they are currently achieving and what you want the to achieve. Once that is done decisions need to be made as exactly what you are going to convert, what you are not and what will be mixed media. There then comes the planning and integration process, which needs to ensure things like the course(s) are within the mission and remit of the business plan for example. Then the ‘conversions’ need to be validated (externall & Internally)to ensure that they are achieving the learning outcomes intended and that they are effective for the student.
    This is very brief and sketchy but if you want to contact me we could talk.

    Warmest regards

    Dave Wilkinson

  2. Start with a TNA…
    Hi James,

    I would suggest that a TNA is a good starting point. Once you have established the current training requirement, a review of the existing course material is required. As the training encompasses several areas, I would suggest that collaboration with other departments is necessary, to fully evaluate the current curriculum.

    The choice of delivery method is very important, and several key factors should be considered;
    learning style – visual, auditory, kinaesthetic (those who like to get their whole body into their learning) and tactile (people who like to use their hands when they learn).

    Background, skill-sets, culture, language, age, sex.

    The learning environment.

    The type of learning objectives.

    In essence, all training objectives should be measurable, attainable and demonstrable. To consider which delivery/medium is most appropriate, analyse each training module and consider which method best achieves the desired result.

    I have done such a task on a Pan European project. It may seem quite daunting, but with planning, expertise and the right foundations, time is the main issue!

    I am happy to discuss this in more detail if you would like more information.

    Good luck.


  3. Technology products
    Both your existing responses are spot on and don’t need me to repeat what they say so well. All I would add is that there is a technology issue involved too.

    Deciding that a course like say health and safety is best delivered as a short web product with some video content and supportive graphics and voice over is great but if you cant get it to where and when it is required then it has no value.
    You have to take a look at your organisation network structure. Are you a single office location with plenty of bandwidth or do you have several offices with variable connectivity.
    If in some cases where video content is necessary but bandwidth is an issue then one way of getting around this is either to use media distribution products which manage network traffic flow or use web enabled CD’s that can resolve sending media content down the network or internet but have a built in assessment tool which can be fired back to a central database so you can track use and success.
    If you are streaming any form of video then it does bring the course alive but you need to make sure you have good quality content, encoding and hosting service providers.
    I can offer you more information on any of the above if you would like it.

  4. How to choose suitable courses for conversion to e-learning
    Just to expand a little on the previous comments, both of which I agree with.

    Whatever evaluation exercise you undertake(whether TNA or simply ROI) you are likely to end up with a number of courses that would be suitable for conversion to e-learning. For instance, when we undertook a conversion exercise for a large corporate client, there were 13 courses that were identified as suitable.

    We looked at each of them on a case by case basis, analysing the learning objectives, grouping them and identifying suitable media. The analysis process itself, raised other issues in turn which needed to be resolved internally within the business before work could proceed on some courses. Some courses were evidently more ready for conversion than others. Some did not have subject matter experts readily available. Some were in flux due to changing business objectives. As this held up the analysis process, it would also hold up the conversion process. Thus we ended up recommending a phased approach, with the ‘quick wins’ first, and the other courses in a further two stages.

    If you would like any more information, please contact me.

  5. Modification to e-learning
    1. Identify the titles and overviews of the training portfolio you have available.
    2. Establish which of the courses are appropriate to keep in your current organisation.
    a. If you are not sure about any of the videos and audios my recommendation would be not to get rid of them but to have them encoded and hosted on a server. Make sure you have appropriate references to them so that you can search on title or content in case of them being of use in the future.
    3. Decide what courses are missing from your portfolio. It’s feasible that in the process of having new courses developed they may also avoid duplication of existing course development.
    4. I recommend 2a is done to all your video and Audio content as once it is encoded it is much easier to utilise in any new e-learning content!
    5. Final portfolio of courses can then be reviewed for content type and audience.
    If the content lends itself to a real world demonstration like an engineer fixing a new pressure valve on an oil platform then look to use video content mixed with graphics, text and audio.
    Adversely, simply describing how to calculate the interest on a loan does not require video. Information could be provided with simple flash animations and audio.
    Now you can decide what level of technology is to be employed to deliver the knowledge to your learners. If you are using video content then bandwidth may become an issue. Would your network support the delivery of this content to the users desk? (There are ways to achieve this as I have described in an earlier response)
    If the network is not appropriate then CD’s may be the best delivery mechanism.
    There are also some other important consideration but I have no more word count left to explain. Let me know if you want me to explain other considerations relevant to transfer.
    Duncan Souster