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HR Automation as a Technological Evolution


Nowadays the employers more often face the problem of choosing the most effective way of staff recruitment and evaluation. Undoubtedly personal qualities of applicants are formed at an early age and as a rule they are not getting changed during their life. And usually applicants improve the level of their professional training while they work. Social role of an employee in any team depends on his personal and professional qualities. That is why modern recruiter and manager must use traditional methods of staff recruitment and at the same time keep pace with the time, following modern recruiting techniques to shape their future hiring strategy.  Thanks to the digital revolution the work with personnel has been transformed and different recruitment software appeared. 

Why it’s time to automate HR-department?

Recruiters face the piles of papers and huge volumes of information every day. They have to solve problems of urgent search for new employees. The situation, when the vacancy should be closed yesterday, but there is no suitable employee for it yet, is familiar almost to every HR-manager. For the increase of work efficiency of HR-department different automated HR-systems were developed. 

Work automation of HR-department: why a campaign needs it

Staff is considered to be the main resource of any campaign. That is why special attention is paid to its recruitment, training and acclimatization in a team. Nobody can count how much time is spent on interview organization, selection of recruitment sites, processing of questionnaires. 

At the same time a human factor can’t be canceled: personal animosity, fatigue, irritation and simply bad mood in the morning. All these factors can prevent the employer to make the right decision. 

Routine work, single-type calls and meetings, transcendental mountains of documentation and gigabytes of information files are the harsh everyday life of the personnel department staff. Automated HRM-system will help to facilitate the work and make it as efficient as possible. It will really free the hands of personnel officers and will make the recruitment process absolutely transparent and understandable for the manager. 

What exactly automated HRM-system can help?

1. It relieves a department employee from monotonous and unpleasant work: downloading a resume from sites, manual sorting by files. This saves a lot of time. In order to find a suitable candidate, a recruiter needs to browse a few dozen sites in search of a more or less suitable resume. Moreover, such questionnaires will contain not one and not two, and each must be deducted, analyzed, compared with the requirements of a vacancy. This takes at least 20% of the working time, according to experienced HR specialists.
2. Storing a huge amount of data becomes more convenient, it is easier to navigate and you can quickly determine the most suitable applicant. The personnel officer will only need to enter search criteria, and the smart system itself will search for the required candidate for the position for all possible resources on the Internet.
3. Overall coordination of the work of each employee and the department as a whole, automation of the entire workflow. Finally, a recruiter can say goodbye to the pen and get rid of the blockages of paper questionnaires and reports on his desk. All records can be kept in the system, which is very convenient.
4. The head of the company receives a full view and clear reporting on the work of the department, which makes it possible to optimize its work and minimize the extra financial expenses for recruiting. Not every director knows what his highly paid employee from the personnel department spends on working time. Moreover, he does not know how difficult this work is and how much it takes effort. The launch of an automated system will significantly simplify the monitoring process.

There are quite a lot of similar products on the market, for example, consider the main specialized HRM-systems:

■ HRIS (Human Resources Information System)
■ HRIS (Human Resources Information System)
■ HRMS (Human Resources Management System)


Without the introduction of innovative automation systems, the evolution and stable growth of the company are impossible. Installing an HRM system will pay off even for an enterprise of 20 people, since it will create a base of potential employees and thereby support the stable work of all departments.

But there is the difference between HRIS, HCM and HRMS systems. It’s up to you what type of system to choose.

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