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HR Courses


I have recently taken on the roll of Payroll/Personnel Officer. I'm looking for the best course to provide me with knowledge of employment law possibly the CIPD course. I've been told there is a similar course. Does anyone know of such a course within the South West or other courses that I may find beneficial for my role.

Rachel May

4 Responses

  1. Eversheds
    As Wayne has already said Eversheds are extremely helpful with this type of training, my contact there is Ruth Renton 0207 919 4876.
    Best Regards
    Dale Gunstone

  2. Morgan Cole solution
    Hi Rachel,

    We have recently evaluated this online solution, which we may possible be using in the future. Our contact there is as follows:

    Kate Roberts
    Manager – Online Learning
    Employment, Pensions & Benefits Group
    Morgan Cole
    Tel 029 2038 5348
    Fax 029 2038 5601

  3. Contact your local Business Link

    As someone who has been undertaking my own development in that area I have found there are many local providers that can provider a more cost efficient service than the CIPD which is very expensive. It probably depends if you want the qudos that is associated with their qualification.

    Conatct your local Business Link who not only will provide you with free support, but also tell you where local courses are available.

    For your local office look on