Hi there I am running a course next week largely around selling skills and in particular around selling customers bespoke solutions that completley change their lifestyle. A theme I am using through the course is hurt and rescue i.e. point out to the customer what is wrong with what they currently have and then step in a rescue them by offering them a new solution. I don't like the term hurt and rescue and I want to rephrase this and use this as my course title. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Sinead

7 Responses
Reply to your questions for sales training
Hi there,
Sounds like it could be quite an interesting day and I agree that hurt and rescue may not be the best words to use for the context, particularly if it is then used with the customer.
Traditionally I guess problem and solution would be used, but again, I don’t like those words either and are sometimes too cold.
I think that by going in and pointing out to the customer what is wrong with what they currently have may be confrontational, by that I mean, think about cold selling techniques for switching phone providers, etc, how often do “what you have is rubbish” really works for a customer. “What we can offer you instead that will save you x, y or z” however, is likely to get a much more positive and engaging response.
So, my tip would be use the words, “Engage and Improve” – especially if the client may not see what they are using is wrong.
I hope this helps and please feel free to ask any other questions – I like getting my brain in gear!
A few quick ideas
How about ‘Pain to Pleasure’ (although this could have some dodgy innuendos associated with it) or ‘Complaint and Cure’ which is a bit more medical I suppose. I love challenges like this! I may well send more later!
Sheridan Webb
Enlighten; Evolve
Hi Sinead,
How about ‘enlighten; evolve’? i.e. step 1 – ‘enlighten’ the customer of the error in their ways; step 2 – provide them with a solution to ‘evolve’ their way of behaving.
Just a thought.
Fiona Goût
Titles to the rescue
Interventional Rescue
There to repair
Hurt less, live more
You are unique, so are our solutions
Less pain, more gain
Let us take the hurt away
Salving life’s problems
Turning point
Rescue your lifestyle
Hope that helps
more options.
Here are some more… This is becoming like a word game… 😉
Fix & Move
Know before you solve
Know more, Do more
Challenge & Rescue
Discover & Rrescue
Discover & Solve
Find & Get Rid of
…and so on…
All the best.
Ehsan Honary
Hi Guys
Thanks so much. Definitely a few in here I will consider.
Many thanks
Course Title
How about
Search & Rescue with people sending out an SOS (Save our Service)