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I need ideas on an institute of management project


I have just started on an institute of management course and i am trying to come up with ideas for my main project, my problem is that the co. is run very efficiently and there are no immediate areas that I feel need exploring, having said that the area of health and safety appeals to me , but would there be enough bones in this subject to carry a 5000 word project. We are a sub-contract engineering machine shop the majority of the staff are happy to work there (although they all believe they should be earning more money). Any ideas at all especially from people who may have gone through this would be very helpfull.
tony clayton

4 Responses

  1. Project assistance
    Yes we can help. Health and Safety should carry a 5000 word project but surely there must be some other areas as well that you could develop? What about a strategic or HR issue?

    Please email or call on 0870 241 3998/

    Susan McGaughran
    Training By Design Global Ltd

  2. Read ‘The Goal’ by Eli Goldratt
    The best business management book available. It will help you look for the bottlenecks that every business has and helps hihlight where changes will bring about performance improvements

  3. ideas for project
    i have recently completed both diploma and post grad with IM. Certainly you could look at the use of Intellectual Capital within the company. Peter Senge ‘The Dance of Change’ and ‘Intellectual Capital’ by TA Stewart are good starting points. The use of Comintell software for Intellectual capture and Colin Rose ‘ Master it Faster’ for staff development may be useful. Also consider things such as a new staff appraisal system, IiP introduction or developing a new Measurement system for the company (Balanced Scorecard) all worthy of at least 5000 words. Have you considered the Human Rights legislation on H&S at work? Some ideas anyway, i hope its useful. Take care and enjoy. Kevin.

  4. ideas on flexible working
    Having come from a subcontract manufacturing mangement background, one neglected area for improvement is often the actual structure of how people are employed. I helped my previous employer (Dutton Engineering) research and implement an annualised hours system of working.
    This would definitely give you a 5000 word project and fits well with the current drive to get more operational efficiency combined with felxibility, whilst addressing the need to offer a workforce a better work/life balance.
    If you would like more signposts/help please let me know.