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Ice-breaker for strategy setting workshop


I'm running a strategy setting workshop which will allow a senior management team to create an agenda for its activities going forward through:
- establishing their core purpose & direction
- Identifying the critical success factors they need to deliver
- Determine the key actions they need to take

I'm in need of a short and relevant ice breaker to start the day. There will be 6 delegates in total and they already know each other. There is not a great deal of space at the venue for moving about!

Many thanks
Craig Ramsay

2 Responses

  1. planning vs. doing
    Hi Craig

    Here’s one for you, all you need is a glass of water per delegate, it can be done at the desk. The objective is to get the water into their mouths. To do this , they will try a number of methods and make a note of the results.

    Firstly, they will have a mini strategy meeting to talk about a plan how they are going to get the water into their mouth

    Secondly, they will try and coach the water (stay with me!) out of the glass and into their mouth

    Then, they plead with the water

    Shout at the water

    And sweet talk the water

    After all this (where you as facilitator will ask them after each method how they got on)They will just do the final one which will be to pick the water up and drink it. The point? When setting strategy or anything else, take the simplest, most direct route to your goal.

    Hope this helps, drop me a line on if you have any questions



  2. Ice Breaker idea
    I like the simple ones.

    Ask people to introduce themselves and provide three facts about them. 1 of which must be a lie.
    The rest of the participants then have to agree on which fact is the lie.
    Sometimes easy, sometimes hard, always easy to set up and get going, and encourages everyone to get talking.