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I’d value YOUR personal opinion


I'm writing an e-book on "Mission, Vision and Purpose" (please note "Values" not included).

I'd like to hear from people their PERSONAL choice of both the "best" and the "worst";

Can you let me know your nomination and in your own words what is it about this mission statement that either grabs you or doesn't.

You may choose to post here but if you want to nominate your employer in the "worst" category (or you just want to be anonymous) you can mail me at rusdotslateratskydotcom.

Could you also let me know if you want your name associated with your opinion or not.

Thanks in anticipation.

PS ALL responses will go into a hat for a prize draw of a small token of thanks!


rus slater

2 Responses

  1. Mission
    I don’t know if this is true – but I heard somewhere that when Fuji went into film their mission statement was “Kill Kodak”.

    You have to admire it for its brevity if nothing else. I am fed up with lengthy, wordy “mission statements” – that are really more of a Values statement. When it comes to mission – keep it short, clear and focussed is my advice.



  2. Now this is interesting….
    ….since I posted this question over a week ago 242 people have looked at it but only 2 have any comment to make on the subject.

    Since we are almost ALL touched by mission statements, but only two people out of 242 actually have an opinion about their personal favourite OR non-event, should I conclude that all the effort and hype that goes into deciding, developing and printing mission statements is a waste of time?

    Should I even bother to write the book or should I just print a “health warning”?

    Is anybody reading this?

    PS just in case it is the heading that is putting people off I’ll post this under new heading as well.
