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Ideas around delivering a Creative Training Methods session


I am looking for some creative ideas around running a 45 minute session for a group of Health and Safety / First Aid /Food Safety Trainers around Creative Training Methods. The session is for up to 30 people and needs to be lively, highly participative and give participants ideas about how they can enliven their own training sessions. Any thoughts please?
Happy Days!
Bryan Edwards

One Response

  1. Creative Ideas
    Hello Bryan

    I have done many creative problem solving workshops and used creative thinking techniques for team development. The ones that really work for me have been drawing and sculpture building. Drawing means you get many thoughts and ideas on one piece of paper and can be done either individually or collaboratively – you can give it a theme (i.e. draw a map, a town, or leave it entirely up to them to come up with their own symbols or theme around the topic being introduced. With sculpture building it is done in groups using every day rubbish (I usually leave a pile in the middle of the floor for them to work with) then ask them to build something to represent the topic being discussed. You can do both drawing and sculpture building to explore ‘as it is now’ and ‘what we want it to be’ scenarios or just to capture ideas or just issues. Areas I have used it for include values, SWOT, leadership, communication…

    I hope this helps. If you would like to know more feel free to email me.
