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Ideas on layout and content for compiling a business case


We are a local authority in-house IT training section who are all about to become redundant as it is deemed more cost effective for departments to seek out their own training elsewhere from now on.

I have some ideas to submit as to why this is a bad idea which involve a restructure of the team from its present format, charges for training and more.

I guess I need to submit a business case for this but don't know where to start, what format it should be or what the content needs to be apart from my ideas.

I would appreciate all advice, documents, business case templates etc that you folks care to offer us. As an aside our notice period starts on xmas day - nice one!

Regards and best wishes for the season.


Franck Lynch

One Response

  1. sorry but…
    If someone HAS already decided that it is more cost effective (I mean really decided rather than just made a SWAG that it might save some money) then you are probably too late.

    If not you need to look at what the department costs the employer, what the same service would cost if bought on the open market and what extra value you could add to make the benefit exceed the cost.

    Sorry that this doesn’t help very much but if it is too late then there is little point fighting it, you might be better served either to form a company and bid for the work the department is losing or look for jobs elsewhere.