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Improving the quality of correspondence for parking services.


Can anyone give me any pointers on how to structure a presentation on the following topic: "Many different teams in the parking service deal with correspondence, some at a very high volume". How would you improve the quality of correspondence by training and development?

Any suggestions and what to take into account will be most helpful.

Best wishes and thank you.
Valerie Brown-Beckford

3 Responses

  1. Initial Analysis
    Some serious TNA is probably required here. You need to look at the types of correspondance coming and who deals with it and how it is dealt with.

    Once you have an idea of what they are dealing with – you could then look at deciding how much of this correspondance could be replied to with a degree of automation (I know nobody likes form letters but they are cost effective and for simple queries they are often the most sensible course of action). This degree of automation may require training for the use of Mail Merge in Word etc.

    Then look at how things are prioritised by the business and take a sample survey of clients to determine their priorities and see if you can best balance the two. There may be a training requirement to teach people how to prioritise issues.

    Finally look at the best performing individuals and try and determine what it is they do that others don’t and that should form the basis for the final part of the course.

    Hopefully that helps, good luck it’s quite a hard issue to tackle.

  2. Errors in correspondence

    You’ll undoubtedly get lots of suggestions regarding letter-writing and structuring. I would like to add two thoughts: check on the writers’ knowledge of grammar and teach them a proofreading/error reduction system. The reader’s reaction to the message in the letter is coloured immensely by the presentation. Remember, spellcheck won’t do it all for you. Form letters sometimes help, but the ‘topping & tailing’ needs to be monitored, as well as checking how well pre-written paragraphs hang together. Good luck. Jonathan Sindall.