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This covers the necessary information such as salary, hours, health and safety etc etc. What else should I be concentrating on? I plan to include information about the company, its goals and mission statement etc. Icebreakers and a get to know you session. I would really like to keep it general on the first day, any ideas what else I need to include?
katy seigel

3 Responses

  1. add to inductions…
    Information I/We have found helpful to provide is where is the nearest cashpoint, where can I buy sandwiches, how to use the tricky photocopier in your department, etc.
    I have found general welfare information like this very helpful in the past as I start working in new areas/towns/cities

  2. Induction
    Katy I’d be happy to share our company induciton programme with you, also just off the top of my head I would suggest a tour round site, introducing people to departments, giving them a map that has been put together for them (this can be done in Power-point and eye catching images could be used for varous departments/copiers/toilets etc…) this way people can make their own log of where people are located, fire extis, shop etc..And they remember the information much more quickly.
    Also, something our new people find really useful is a spreedsheet of people I Need to know when I start i.e. Stationary person, Post Room, Accounts/Payroll/HR/Training/ their numbers, and a brief job spec detailing typical queries they can help with or FAQ’s.
    Excerts from any previous monthly organisation communications/newsletters, or details of the internal Intranet system, what is on there etc..
    Please contact me for further help and support and to obtain a copy of the Programme I have rolled out in the last 18 months,
    Good Luck

  3. Induction Help
    Hi Katy

    Here is some more things that you may wish to consider including in a corporate induction:-

    • Welcome to the company
    • Housekeeping
    o Toilets
    o First Aiders
    o Fire Exits
    o Fire Marshals
    o Fire Procedure
    o Fire Alarms
    o Evacuation meeting points
    o Location of fire extinguishers
    o Car Parking
    o Local Amenities
    o Mobile Phones
    o Personal Phone Calls
    o Smoking
    o Who and when to contact someone if you are off sick
    • Job profile
    • Induction overview
    • History of the company
    • Company objectives
    • Benefits of working for the company
    • What the company expects from its employees
    • Probation criteria
    • Company standards
    o Dress code
    o Smoking
    o Office standards
    o Staff conduct
    • Support the company will provide whilst an employee is working for them?
    • Data Protection
    • Health and Safety
    • Tour of offices