I am putting together a short bite-size session on influencing & persusading for a bank. Any thoughts on what to cover. Really need strong "take-aways" that can be put into practice immediately.
I am putting together a short bite-size session on influencing & persusading for a bank. Any thoughts on what to cover. Really need strong "take-aways" that can be put into practice immediately.
3 Responses
give them a kebab…..
….by teaching them about the Three Greeks.
Rus Slater
I have six little free takeaways you can use in the course and subsequently produce six laminated cards from (wallet/purse size).Drop me a line at trainingqed@aol.com
QED Training qedworks.com
Key Points
At the risk of self-promotion, here’s an outline of my bite-size session on Influencing http://www.power-hour.co.uk/trainingshop/prod_1835635-Influence-People-.html
The key point sheet gives an overview of influencing styles as well as a process, which may be particularly useful. People need to be able to go away and do something practical straight away, and having a process to follow often helps them to do that.
Hope this is useful and/or sparks off some ideas,
Louise Gelsthorpe – Power Hour Bite Size Training