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Influencing Skills


Dear Fellow Members, I am going to conduct a 1-day session on Influencing Skills for the new managers of an organization. I will be grateful if you can share a few good activities/simulations to make it more effective. Warm regards,

6 Responses

  1. Video
    Hi Mahesh

    Although quite expensive Video Arts have some really good videos.

    You could also try…

    Sometimes its worth paying some money up front as it would cost quite a bit to develop a course from scratch anyway.

    Interesting how you knew it would be a day long without knowing what was in it?

    Good luck and regards


  2. Influencing Others
    Hi Mahesh

    I suggest you have a look at Type “Influencing Skills” into the search bar and quite a few training sessions come up that you are able to purchase (via credits) on line. They are fairly good.

    I think you’ll need to build in a fairly high level of practical exercises (role play etc), in order that your participants get a good understanding of how to use the techniques and not just rely on theory.

    Good luck with your presentation


  3. Influencing activity
    Hi there.

    An exercise I use as an introduction to the techniques of influencing individuals is to ask people to individually put together a ranked list of the ten most important inventions to mankind. Then get people together in groups of 4-6 to agree a composite list that they can all agree to but without voting ie consensus.

    The review is then based around the difference between their individual list and the group one and focus on what others did that changed their mind eg sharing information, clarifiying criteria, education, power etc.

    Not good for an in-depth look at influencing but a good starting point.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Influence training materials
    In practice, it is usually better to offer influence exercises along with the theories that support it so people fully understand how the whole thing works. You can use a full day how to influence training course materials and integrate it with your own.

    You can also use many exercises on communication skills which demonstrate influencing such as eye contact exercise or how to ask questions effectively to get desired results such as Communication Skills exercise – Recall Interruption .

    Hope these help.

    Ehsan Honary

  5. Influencing skills activity
    Hi Mahesh
    I have sometimes used a syndicate exercise where the delegates resort back to childhood and think of the the things they used to say to influence parents. Then the delegates think about whether there are any adult equivalent tactics they hear in work, in one to ones, meetings etc.

    Anyone interested can download the exercise, with my suggestions on responses, from You’ll find it half way down the page entitled ‘Child-Adult Influencing exercise’.
    Hope that helps.
    Happy Days!

  6. Thanks a lot…
    Thanks a lot Steve, Nicky, Simon, Ehsan and Bryan.

    All your inputs are very helpful. Thanks for giving time and helping me out.

    Warm regards,

    Mahesh J.

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