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Interesting games to use in training


I am looking for some games which can be used in training. Some examples that I use already are a treasure hunt for induction. Blockbusters and connect 4 as a good summary game at the end of the day, Some people at my company can't believe some of the things I use but they go down so well. people here look forward to training as not only is it fun but effective. I need some more ideas of games, techniques which I could use as I like to use a selction.
Claire Halstead

8 Responses

  1. Like the ones you are already using!
    I am actually interested in the induction treasure hunt and the connect 4 games you play – could you send me the details please.

    I will look through mine to see if there is anything different and interesting.


  2. GAMES
    Suggest you contact Northgate Business Games in Bath for a wide selection of games covering many business topics. The company is run by Mike Lynch

  3. Response to Lucia
    If you send me your e-mail address I can e-mail you a copy of my treasure hunt.

    The company I work for is car insurance and there is a great deal of jargon that is used. I base 3 games around this and then play blockbusters at the end. Made the board etc myslef and compile a list of questions for each topic.

    Connect 4, it is good at the end of a training day to have a summing up session. Split your group into two teams or more if necessary. Ask them to think of 10 questions to ask the other group but tell them that they have to know the answer if the other team gets the answer wrong. When they answer a question correctly they can put a counter in the connect 4 so not only is it a fun Q & A session it is a strategic gane aswell. My e-mail is if you wish to e-mail me

  4. More Training Games
    I have recently been using a version of the old Mike Read TV Show ‘Runaround’…we post up our 4 company values in a corner of the room, read out behaviours that should relate to one of the values and delegates ‘run’ to the velue they think it is…we then give them the option to change i.e. the runaround!! As well as reinforcing the learning it also energises the group after lunch. I have a few varities on this theme if anyone would like more information, please e’mail me.

  5. Games In Training
    I like to use games, etc, in learning… but, a word of warning, I’ve used games that were very apt and relevant, but, received resistence from the group(s). I think the key is to mix it up a bit… i.e. use some ‘classroom’ style training together with group sessions and quizes, games, etc.

    Would be interested in seeing the induction treasure hunt and the blockbusters game – love the concept!

    Ian Stone