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Internal Portfolio Assessment for Adult Learners


Can we use this method of assessing adult learners of different ages and abilities.
What must go into a portfolio to makle it good for moderation with the purpose of obtaining a certificate.
Help and ideas will will highly appreciated.
Our adult learners are at Level 1; 2; 3 and 4

3 Responses

  1. Internal portfolio assessment
    We would be happy to provide some information but can you let us know what is the subject area you are working in?

    It sounds like you are considering putting together a portfolio for people not presently working towards a recognised NVQ is that right?

    We are also assuming that you may not be an accredited NVQ centre and would be grateful of confirmation of this also.

    Sorry about all the questions but before we can assist we need to know a lot more. Portfoios are most often used in NVQs but we are also working on other types of qualifications that will use this method of evaluation to obtain certificates.


    Training by Design Global Ltd

  2. Portfolio Accreditation
    Percy, it is possible to gain certification via portfolio assessment. If you want accreditation through a recognised awarding body you need to identify: The subject the participant will be accredited in and the criteria for successful achievement.

    At Action Development Group we can accredit particpants via the Institute of Management and the Institution of Supervision and Management – can you let me have some further information and I will let you know what would seem to be the options best suited to your needs.

    Anita Wild, Action Development Group
    01772 679950 or email me as above.

  3. Portfolio-building for adults
    Portfolios are normally associated with NVQs but are becoming quite common in the field of assessment for Continuing Professional Development. If you would like some advice about the experience I have had over the years, both with portfolio-building with adults and also training and accrediting staff to support adults who are undertaking this route, then please give me a call on
    01423 772430 or email me.