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Karen Snare

npower Ltd

Training Manager

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Interview Brief – looking for inspiration!


Hi everyone

I am a Training Manager for a Contact Centre within a large utilities company.  I have a vacancy for a full time Trainer and I'm looking for inspiration for the interview process as this is the first time I've had to recruit in this particular role.

The environment we work in is very fast paced and the Trainers that currently work for me generally have things thrown at them with a very short timescale to get their head around it and turn it into a Training Session!  With this in mind, what I'd like to do is give candidates a brief/scenario on the day, half an hour to prepare something and then deliver it.

I'm struggling with what to give as a brief - I want to keep it as neutral as possible as there will be internal and external candidates.

I wondered if anyone has done anything like this before and what methods you used?

Many thanks

4 Responses

  1. neutral topic

    I'm assuming that you can get a couple of people to act  as the learners for the sessions….

    "By the end of this session you will be able to tie a correct bowline with your eyes closed and therefore without using any notes or aid memoirs"

    Any trainer with two hands should be able to do this and the learners will learn something that could save lives in future.


    I hope that helps


    Rus Slater


  2. Tea

    "How to make a cup of tea" is a great one for this

    Post training analysis should cover…(sounds silly but if they can't get it right with a cup of tea what chance do they have with your important course materials)

    Did they ask if you like tea?

    What do you need to know about making tea?

    Can you already make tea?

    What kind of tea do you like?

    Health and safety considerations.

    What kind of tea can you already make?

    Optional ingredients like sugar, milk, lemon

    Types of receptacle and best uses for each. (tea cup, mug, glass, saucer or not etc)

    Were you tested on the tea making process?

    Future learning opportunities and further reading





  3. Interview process


    I always perform a competency based interview followed by a training session of their choice, which I allow them to pre-prepare, given that it should take approx. 10 hours of design per 1 hour of delivery i.e. 3.5 hrs to design a 20 min session – if designed 'properly' with robust assessable objectives etc. Alternatively, you might get a 'presentation' which won't be of any value to assess in the long run. I'd rather assess them delivering a proper 20 min training session than a presentation.

    So, I would recommend something else if you want to assess them under pressure but allow them to prep their session in advance.

    In assessing the session, as a brief guide, I was looking to observe the 'content', 'logic', 'structure' and 'style, amongst other things.

    Best of luck.


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Karen Snare

Training Manager

Read more from Karen Snare