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IT acrreditation


Hi!! I'm looking to try and gain some IT accreditation for my individuals and/or company. I run scheduled training courses and would like a scheme that slots alongside this training that doesn't take too much admin time for myself and the users etc. Have looked at CLAIT and ECDL and they are unfortunatley not suitable, Would like it to be recognised for ISO/Investors in People!! - Lets hope I'm not asking for too much !!
Clair Hill

4 Responses

  1. Refer to local college
    If you are looking at accreditation of the learning that your students undertake, then you may want to contact your local Further Education college and ask them if they can accredit your programme. I do not know if there are NVQ in this area, but this would be another possibility worth exploring.

  2. ECDL No Good?
    Hi Clair,
    Out of interest, what “wasn’t suitable” about ECDL when you looked at it?
    If you’re thinking of desktop applications, – have you considered MOUS courses?
    Re. IiP, you might find that any recognised / structured training inititatives you undertake will help to some extent, on the premis that you ARE investing in your people…

  3. It accreditation

    Thanks for your input much appreciated – In response to your questions the reason that the ECDL wasn’t suitable for our organisation is because within our company we don’t allow our users to use Access on their own so the users would sit through part of the ECDL and yet wouldn’t be able to become accredited without sitting through that part of the course. Will have another chat with BCS and see if anything else comes up – thanks again guys for your comments so far!!



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