I have been asked to review our standard job descriptions to ensure we are including enough detail of the IT skills required. Has anyone gone through this process? I would really appreciate and hints/tips or examples that anyone could share with me. Thanks.
Heather Stockwell

5 Responses
IT skills
The specific information for each job should be contained in the person spec and depends on the level required. Under skills you could have for example CLAIT, NVQ 2 in IT, NVQ 3 in IT, RSA 1, 2 or 3, demonstrable ability to use Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access, etc, degree in IT or equivalent, etc.
Sandra Beale
IT Job Spec
I have an interestingly put together job spec for an IT person, I will email you it but I would like to know what you think.
Anthony Dance
JDs and stress
You pught to also be including the stress factors (having done a Risk Assessment)
Peter Stanway
IT bodies can help here
Two organisations that can help you;
The Skills Framework for the Information Age http://www.sfia.org.uk/ and the British Computer Society http://www.bcs.org/bcs both offer advice on identifying IT skills within job roles.
e-skills also produce an excellent spreadsheet which maps IT task competency against level of experience; http://www.e-skills.com/cgi-bin/wms.pl/183
Role Profiling
In my current company we don’t use JDs anymore, we use ‘Role Profiles’ which outline:
– What level the role is set at in each of 12 competencies (there are 5 levels)
– Who the role reports to and the purpose of the role
– Key task responsibilities and areas of responsibility
– An IT Profile – what packages are used for the division/department and to what level (Basic-Advanced)
– A Technical Skills and Knowledge Profile for the role and to what level
– A HSE Profile and to what level required
I could email you a sample if you like – my email address is kate_southall@vodafone.net – mail me asap so I can get this out to you before Friday.