Hi - we have a group of 10 Key Account Managers to be trained, all relatively new at the job. I would like to purchase a role play or scenario that would help them to understand the issues in KAM, such as prioritising, managing time, planning, spreading contact base, delivering value and managing relationships. Anything from 2-4 hours is fine, and it doesn't have to be on their industry (office design) - actually it might be best if it were a fictional scenario. Any ideas please brainy trainers?

2 Responses
Role play….or real life?
Sorry Matt, I’m not about to provide any concrete answers – probably only raise lots more questions….
Have you considered looking into problem based learning? I’ve not found too much based around professional development topics – mostly around clinical, medical or engineering scenarios but the methodology is sound, whatever topic you are facilitating.
In my experience, role playing often falls flat if people don’t believe the situation they are involved in.
The advantage of problem based learning is that the situation will be a real one for them; they will undoubtedly know some of the answers already and most of the rest they will find out from other members of your cohort. Anything they are missing after that, they’ll need to specifically ask for so will be engaged and interested to learn.
The disadvantages – it has to be real so probably would involve a lot of your time up front, working with senior managers to put together a complex scenario and it will require some time from those senior managers to assess the results (I am assuming your experience is in L&D rather than office design or key account management).
What do you think?
KAM Scenario
Hi Matt
We have a FREE scenario you can have.Its complex but with the caveat that its focus is on negotiation,influencing and judgement skills. It needs 10 or more players. I guess you could adapt or tweak it but happy to send it to you
If you drop me a line at trainingqed@aol.com I will be happy to send you the full transcript
Regards and apologies in advance if its not what you seek
QED Training qedworks.com