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Jon Kennard


Freelance writer

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L&D news round-up: 13 Nov


Extra extra! News time once again - this week is particularly skills-heavy. But until that problem is addressed properly, it'll continue to be news won't it?

School-based teacher training of more benefit than university route find researchers - Academies Week

Well whaddaya know?

Automation 'Threatens A Third Of UK Jobs' - Sky News

Seems a little high to me - very worrying if it happens.

More ‘NEETS’ being helped by county council’s ‘Skills For Employment’ teams - Hucknall Dispatch

Good work Nottingham!

Pinewood boss warns of looming skills shortage - Screen Daily

I fear for the Harry Potter spin-off films.

Education Secretary announces new STEM skills campaign - Tech City News

A good initiative with some influential business partners. 

6 Leadership Myths and Realities - The Huffington Post

HuffPo gives us some leadership advice.

The Mantle Of Leadership Is Passing To Millennials -- Get Ready - Forbes

A great one-two punch from Forbes.

The 10 Skills Employers Most Want In 2015 Graduates - Forbes

Book mark this, all you millennials.

Giant fireball sighted over Texas - The Irish Independent

And, um, finally. It was probably just that comet.

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Jon Kennard

Freelance writer

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