Any one help me with presentation material for interview, question 'What is leadership and what is the difference between leadership and management and how would you evidence this in your work practice' really struggling as i have never actually put a presentation together although i have given some with company details. Please help as I really need this post Thanks joan.

5 Responses
Joan – You’ve not made it clear if you’re looking for an explanation of the difference between leadership and management or how to put together a presentation, content or process?. Either way, just type the question into an internet search engine and you’ll get loads of advice and guidance on both.
The potential employer has no doubt set a duration for the presentation,which should give you an indication of the depth of understanding they want you to show. You could then use examples from how you already work/what you’ve experienced at the hands of other leaders/managers to illustrate and back up the key points to answer the questions.
Good luck with the interview
Presenatation preparation
Hi Joan,
The question implies to me that they are interested in hearing examples of leadership more than management.
Maybe you could think of successful changes that you have introduced (leadership is associated with creating change) and describe how you influenced those around you to implement the change. A presentation that tells a real story can be very engaging and easier to deliver than dry facts and figures or theory.
Good luck!
social care
thanks for all your help,think i have it now.
regards joan
Management v leadership
The distinction between these two terms is what I call a ‘circular’ topic – one which comes around every now and then on the Any Answers forum! So we have quite a bit of discussion on site in our archives. Bob Selden also wrote this feature on this exact topic, which I’ve always thought touched on the key points:
Take your corners please: Management v leadership, who wins?
I hope this helps!
Kind regards
Susie Finch, Editor, features
Understanding water
I sometimes think that this is a bit like trying to understand water by debating the difference between hydrogen and oxygen. The truth is they are alike in some ways but also have many distinctive characterisics. Theoretical physicists can get passionate about those differences. But when hydrogen and oxygen come together in just the right combination something special happens. You get water.
Organisations are thirsty places. What they need, especially in the current climate, is water – the right combination of good management and good leadership. I know it has been vogue in recent years to deify leadership and look down on management, but I am most interested in how they come together – that special chemical reaction – and how we can create that in our (learning) laboratories. Personally, I’m not interested in sterile debates about how they are different.
Taking the counter-conventional approach in an interview has some risks but, for my part, I am often more impressed by that than those that merely parrot what has been doing the rounds for years.
Best of luck