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Leadership Style Questionnaires


I am looking for a Leadership Styles Questionnaire that would take no more than 20mins (approx') to complete and 20minutes to interpret
Garth Wood

11 Responses

  1. No responses
    Hi Garth

    I’d expected to see a few more responses to this question, but as there have been none in a week perhaps it’s worth re looking at why you need such a tool.

    Leadership is an important area for all organisations, but is often neglected as a sub set of management. A 20 – 40 minute assessment of leadership style is unlikely to give either the organisation or the individual a true picture of leadership style, or to give people enough relevant feedback to really develop their leadership capability.

    I’ve found that one of the most valuable methods of gathering feedback on leadership style is to conduct 360 reviews, based around a leadership question set. This gives personalised, reasonably objective feedback that individuals can incorporate into their personal leadership development plan.

    You can find more information at:

    If you would like to talk through how this can work for you, please feel free to call or e mail.
    01789 734333

  2. ACL
    Hello Gareth

    I use John Adair’s Actioned Centred Leadership questionnaire. It takes around 20minutes to complete but the take back I use tends to be longer and it is used as the basis of a few other execrises I use.

    Hope this helps contact me directly if you need further info.

  3. Leadership Styles Questionnaire

    I’d second the recommendations in this thread and add one more which may be suitable for your needs: The “Leadership Practices Inventory” (LPI), based upon the practices described in “The Leadership Challenge” (Kouzes/Posner).

    The complete facilitator’s package for this self-assessment/multi-rater feedback tool includes a development seminar template and scoring software. The package can be obtained from Wiley Europe.

    Usual disclaimers apply.

    Hope this helps.


    Scott G. Welch

  4. LEAD Self & Other
    Leadership Effectiveness & Adaptibility Description (LEAD) ‘Self’ and ‘Other’ questionnaires, based on Dr Paul Hersey’s Situational Leadership model, are available in paper and on-line formats from Leadership Development – Situational Solutions. They are straightforward to administer and give very useful feedback on preferred leadership styles and areas for development.


  5. LPI
    We use Kouzes and Posner “The leadership challenge” which might meet your needs. I would suggest getting the materials suggested by the other respondent – the facilitators manual.

    Any questions drop me an email on

  6. Ledership style questionnaires
    There are several free questionnaires available from Progressive Management Solutions Ltd, for job satisfaction, motivation, leadership. They are easily completed on screen and the results are given automatically. Several of our staff have used them and find them revealing but also fun to do. They are available at


  7. Leadership Questionnaire
    Hello Garth

    A good one I have used is the MSQ (Managerial Style Questionnaire) published by the Hay Group. It takes about 20 minutes to complete and then 10 minutes to analyse. Their web site is

    Desiree Cox

  8. I use LPI
    I use the LPI as explained by previous contributors and I concur with thier comments.
    The other benefit I get from it is that it can be used both as a 360 degree feedback tool or for an Individual Contributor. I find this useful if I need to use the same tool throughout an organisation where not everyone has direct reports or where they are specialists working as ‘teams of one’.
    Ensure you get the computer software for scoring (its very easy to use) and the development ideas in the participant booklet are a useful starting point, though I do have to do a fair amount of ‘translation’ as many of them don’t sit well culturally with my clients.

  9. Leadership style questionnaires
    Hi Garth. I have some resources which might be useful if you want to contact me.